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James Damiano vs Bob Dylan for Copyright Infringement

Bob Dylan and people in Dylan's entourage solicited James Damiano's music for over ten years.

John Hammond Sr. The legendary CBS record producer who discovered Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Bob Dylan. Also affiliated with Pete Seger, Aretha Franklin, George Benson, The Band, Charlie Christian, Duke Ellington, Billy Holiday and many other artists. James Damiano auditioned for Mr. Hammond in the early 80's and maintained an eleven year association to Hammond and his office through Mikie Harris and Tony Tiller..

In 1982 this Christmas card was sent to James by Mikie Harris who was assistant to John Hammond Sr. the last ten years of his career at CBS. Mikie is now a board member of the National Academy of Popular Music Songwriters Hall of Fame.

The letter above was sent to James Damiano by Mikie Harris after Mikie worked with James on his songs for seven years. Tony Tiller a colleage of Mikie Harris testified : By Steven M. Kramer Let's go back to the Jones Beach concert, if we may, to the time when you offerered the tickets to Mr. Damiano, before the concert actually took place. During that point in time when you offered the tickets to him and before he actually went to the concert. Did you ever say to him or suggest to him that maybe he should bring some of his songs with him? Mr. Tiller replied : I deny suggesting to Jim that he bring songs along with him. I did however concur with him when he asked me, do you think I should bring my songs with me. I said, sure, why not, what could it hurt.

The envelope which enclosed Mikie Harris's June 1987 letter to James Damiano.

Dr. Paul Greene's resume. Dr. Greene was James Damiano's musicologist who did the music comparison below of a song Bob Dylan released titled "Dignity" and James Damiano's song "Steel Guitars". Doctor Greene graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard "Steel Guitars" was initially referred to as "Dignity" and copyrighted in 1982. It was again later copyrighted in 1988. At the 1995 Grammy awards "Dignity" was nominated for the best rock song of the year.

Doctor Greene's analysis stated "The melodic arc found in both "Dignity" and "Steel Guitars" is more than a collection of shared pitches. It seems to embody the melodic shape or character of both songs. When played on it's own it's reminiscent of both compositions.

The documents contained in this website are only part of the picture. Please bare in mind that there are over thirty five hours of video taped depositions and blatant admissions of guilt by defendants.

Envelope which enclosed a letter to James from Bob Dylan's publisher's office.

A letter from Tom Masters sent to James for more information on Mr. Masters see http://www.geocities.com/proposal112000/James_Damiano.html

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