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James Damiano vs Bob Dylan continued

As late as 1992 Dylan associates were still signing certified mail receipts for Damiano's materials. The certified mail receipt below among others were sent to Elliot Mintz who testified "yes" under oath when asked "Do you recall ever giving Mr. Damiano your fax number? Mr. Mintz's deposition is 183 pages in which Mr. Mintz testified to being in correspondence with James Damiano for two years and eleven months. See

These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.

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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.

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15 Q. Now, Mr. Patterson, when did you

16 first meet the plaintiff in this action, James

17 Damiano?

18 A. I guess it would be around '88. I'm

19 not sure of the date. I had met Jim at

20 Broccoli-Rabe Studios when he was recording there

21 and I worked on a couple of his sessions. That is

22 my extent of meeting Jim until last year when he

23 came up to my store.

24 Q. And you were working at Broccoli-Rabe

25 Studios in 1988?

1 Patterson

2 A. Right. I did assistant engineering

3 on and off there.

4 Q. Was that a formal position, assistant

5 engineer, or was it on an as-needed basis?

6 A. As-needed basis.

7 Q. Who owned Broccoli-Rabe?

8 A. Brian Drago.

9 In that time frame of 1989 or

10 whenever Tony and I had that conversation, that

11 was it, that was the end of it. He would mention

12 Jim. Did you hear from him. No. So it was like

13 there was no connection after that.

14 Basically, my relationship with Tony

15 was that of him working with another band, and any

16 connection to Jim Damiano was through Phil

17 Pfisterer, so that was really between Tony, Phil

18 and Jim than it would be more for me. You know,

19 like I said, I only met Jim a couple of times in

20 the studio so I don't really know him personally.

21 I know more about him now -- from 1994 to now than

22 I did back then. You know.

23 Q. Okay. And when you say here in the

24 last sentence that I read --

25 A. Right.


1 Patterson

2 Q. -- after Mr. Damiano says, "He" --

3 referring to Mr. Tiller, "He knew that I wanted to

4 meet Dylan," and your response, "Oh yeah. No, he

5 knew that," the "he" that you are referring to is

6 Tiller, is it not?

7 A. Which one is this?

8 Q. If you look at seven lines from the

9 bottom.

10 A. Right.

11 Q. Okay. Mr. Damiano says, "So he knew

12 that I wanted to meet Dylan." Do you see that?

13 A. Right.

14 Q. And then you say, "Oh yeah. No, he

15 knew that, everybody knew that." Is the "he" --

16 is it fair to say that the "he" there is Tiller,

17 that Tiller knew that Mr. Damiano wanted to meet

18 Dylan? When you used the pronoun "he" --

19 A. Right.

20 Q. -- is the "he" Tiller?

21 A. Yeah, I guess so. I don't really

22 recall that. I knew that Jim wanted to meet Dylan

23 but, you know, but I don't know --

24 Q. I'm just asking who the "he" is?

25 A. The "he" would refer to Tony, right.


1 Patterson

2 Q. Okay.

3 A. But I don't A p p e a r a n c e s :
4 Attorneys for Plaintiff
150 West 56th Street
5 65th Floor
New York, New York 10019
7 of Counsel


Attorneys for Defendants
10 500 Fifth Avenue
38th Floor
11 New York, New York 10110-3899

of Counsel

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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.

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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.

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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.

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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.

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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.

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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.

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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.

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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.

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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.

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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.